What is Counselling + Psychotherapy?

What is Counselling + Psychotherapy?

Sometimes referred to as the “talking cure”, both counselling and psychotherapy are conversations between the client and therapist. It is a collaborative endeavor in which the client discusses their concerns, problems and current challenges. It is a one-way relationship in which the needs of the client are the most important thing.

There are different degrees of counselling and psychotherapy. For example, counselling tends to have a more here-and-now focus, and can be quite brief, while psychotherapy tends to focus on deeper, historical problems. Both interventions help clients who find themselves “stuck” and are unable to experience the changes they desire.

Although the therapist is the expert on normal mental health and development, as well as how change occurs, clients are considered the experts on their problems and how they think and feel. The therapist’s job is to help the client better understand the choices available to them and begin considering new possibilities.

If you need help contact Mark Giesbrecht today.